What about your answer isn't scientific and based on your observations? You are using the very scientific technique of observation to measure your...
Do the chemicals in the boudin, when ingested by you, produce a an experience for you that activates the pleasure sensing part of the brain?
You feel however your brain chemicals and electrical charges say you feel. Do you presume that you feel some sort of way based on magic or...
Again. Every question is a scientific one. Everything else is nonsense. That what the word nonsense is for, to describe unsupported theories.
who cares, let the farmers insure themselves or go out of business. we can buy food elsewhere. protectionism hurts everyone.
It's terrible policy and people die because of it. Skinny niggers and fat honkeys both. Our excess is dumped and it ruins African governments and...
Huge government subsidies of American farmers take billions from hardworking folks in order to support the least healthy foods, and the farmers...
probably true, but the way american farmers are treated and coddled and weirdly fetishized is a tremendous force for evil in the world. Why don't...
I run races all the time and sometimes before the race during the national anthem people yell at each other to take off thei hats, which are...
He is a good dude, I am happy for him to snipe fools left right and center. I just think he seems weirdly self serving. I would like him better if...
Look homie don't have to tell us agin he resists nuance
Yep Trying out the other crap is a mistake. Stay with pad Thai, you can't lose. If you wanna mix it up, get a crazy dessert or Thai tea.
The dome hosts a zillion a games a year, power goes off once every 20 years? Not an issue. It happens. People struggle to make up news to write about.
The god made a farmer ad made me want to go on a shooting rampage
Finally somebody that understands. Is is why the terms atheist and agnostic are misleading. Agnostic answers a question about the truth, which...
I believe your original point was me and red. The other guy there, that isn't me.
Pad thai is what everyone orders at Thai places, which is smart because it the best thing on the menu. Those orange spicy crumbly rocks are good...
I like the word obviate.
Not much longer. I have successfully pointed out the tremendous absurdity of labeling any idiots mumbling a as a "philosophical theory" and help...
Yesterday a guy who we cannot prove is not Jesus offered up a lovely philosophical theory that he is Jesus in California, and crashed his car into...