Man you are like a train expert. I had never heard of the Californian zephyr and the empire builder and sunset limited until yesterday and I have...
yeah it called the crescent and leaves daily both ways. many days each week only cost 148. takes a long time though.
You know a lot about it. My 3 closest friends live in Lafayette and Santa Fe and Chicago. I figure I can buy a two week railpass and go from New...
Have any of you ever gone cross country on amtrak? What was it like? Have you ever bought a railpass and just rode that fucker everywhere ?
I think they are actually espousing valid theories
you are right, we have discussed it enough. i will continue to be at a loss as to the value of random words, jibberish, the typed letters of...
Fact: the jail term has been dropped Fact: this snowstorm on the news has not been significant.
a dangerous president sets a dangerous precedent. its the principal principle!
Friend I am just a little confused about this. You taught me that theories do not require any evidence whatsoever to be valid. Dd you make a lil...
Suddenly theories are merit based, interesting
123 and I call it a philosophical theory
I think the reference is to another thread where red was incredibly inclusive as to what theories he deems reasonable. Evidence not required.
You are wrong about that. Republicans would sprint to the polls to vote for a republican version of Obama. If he existed, he would shoot up...
Also my lovely sweetie has already had the doubling of her bail reversed by another judge, and I am sure the contempt will be reversed as well. I...
The court is not supposed to teach people to have respect for authority. The courts shouldn't even be bothering with Xanax girl. And the point of...
Nah, I like her, good for her. She crashed her bike and had a bunch of Xanax. How is this a crime? This is a call for assistance. And instead of... Not one thing this girl did was wrong. If you get called...
Christie needs therapy or fuckin celebrity fit club or something. Jesus that motherfucker is huge. It's like looking at a person witha horrible...
I am stupid and know nothing about Rubio, but running a Latin fellow certainly seems like a powerfully good idea.