fuck that most charities are run by dirty jews
It was rude of me to call them that I need sensitivity training
No. They would worry. It's like when I had a motorcycle. I didn't tell them. My dad came over and saw it, he said he couldn't sleep, wished he...
Dude it's not literally a corpse and blood. Just kidding of course it is
Red you can't understand the trinity. It's not that the trinity concept is fucking nonsense it's that you and I are mindless clods that can't...
Steve what about our friends from overseas that do not reject faith, they love faith, but they do reject the reality that amazing jesus died for...
Also the blade runner killed his girlfriend. Never liked that cheating prick
You get along well with the rednecks?
Never seen this but I wouldn't. I am polite. Women do say dumb and ridiculous things and I mock them but I am such a kind fella they don't think I...
Also regarding makers mark I still have no idea if this is a marketing scam of brilliance or a new coke like failure of foresight
You are not a good reader. I certainly never said that no idea what you are talking about. Also they would worry. As far as calling out you...
Not drunk. Monday night I puked and piggybacked a drunk slut home and fell on my stairs though
Yunno a fact is that i realize I am almost not really an anonymous Internet character and the site is readable by forum "guests". My new project...
There is a formula. Add the extent to which the candidate is intellectual to the extent to which the candidate is ambitious and the extent to...
You guys are very close to sorting this out
Yeah good point, Mary is way more alive than us, that makes sense dunno why I didn't see it before. Seance not necessary, she is alive and you can...
Da fuck is this lunatic babbling about
how is it not like a seance? isnt that exactly what it is, talkin to the dead?
That is weird it is almost as if the bible can be interpreted to mean whatever you want.
Wen you ask her, how do you contact her? Isn't she dead? Do you use magic to contact her?