exactly. thanks for understanding. so, lets say my dad hates motorcycles. he doesnt want me to ride them. but i love them. i am quite safe with...
basically what happened is me: politicall correctness is silly kyle: that isnt true because you are concerned about people you care about a...
the words are meaningless. the context isnt. the intent isnt. if i said to you, your graandpa, who is a coonass, has died, you would be sad. not...
they definitely should not give a fuck, i agree wholeheartedly. i was discussing in this thread why politically incorrect words are not...
i believe i explained this sa well, but you dint listen, because you are a cunt. i realized the huge number of "guests" that are logged in. i...
no. i was telling you that your point made no sense. it had nothing to so with anything. because you are stupid. also the rants are not relevant....
thats lovely but my dad has health issues that require the absolute minimum of stress as ordered by his docs. so its misleading to say i am a guy...
Racism and word usage and how and why people get offended is a fascinating topic. Particularly in New York. Like people hate each other for so...
Yeah it's like Dave chappelle he got a lot of flack about the words he used, and he is black and a pioneer in speaking about race in a way no one...
I believe my point is that context is relevant. Offense has nothing to do with the words used, but the intent. A British person smokes fags. It...
Correct. The words used have literally nothing do do with it. You can use the most proper English ever and say things that are far more offensive....
Niggers call themselves niggers. If that makes it ok why are such a pussy about me saying it?
So you are the one defining what is racist now? Curious how that works.
My favorite of the trinity is definitely the ghost. Doesn't get a lot of press but still kicks ass
He used to come into the restaurant where I worked in college. Also I lived near his empire and I would skate there, and later I joined his gym,...
Prove it isn't! I have met jimmy swag art. I am always so curious to know if he believes anything he says ever. If he is an atheist then I have...
Dude.....not sure if you should use those terms
When you say yes you mean no
Much appreciated. If there is one thing I aspire to be good at, it is racism
People,say the south is racist but the Yankees are just as separate up here. There are things I do, places I go, where it is only whites. Not a...