Some sort of harness for an equine or bovine?
Kobe Bryant was, by far, the best player on the Lakers. Now? He's not as good as he once was. His time is almost up. No one is denying Les's...
I heard somewhere that he is waiting for the TX job to open up and that the coaching the Longhorns is his dream job. Hope that's b.s. because the...
I almost feel like everyone is rooting for LSU to botch this thing because, outside of LSU fans, everyone else thinks Les is great.
What are the chances that we keep Les?
@jvalhenson mouth bit?
Yeah it's not shocking at all & I know it's been talked about for weeks. But I still find the timing a bit curious. Straw that broke the camel's... It's happening.
did you catch those in a cast net? Skimmer? Trawl?
I have more credibility on this board than you know, breaux. So settle down, it was a joke.
I've noticed that yours were particularly stupid.
Jon Gruden Jack del Rio Steve Spurrier
which is why I added "unless this is just Sexton at work (again)." I, for one, am not big on hiring Jimbo Fisher. I have him at like 4 or 5 on...
Yeah, but if he weren't interested, or if LSU weren't on the radar, wouldn't his response have been something to the effect of "I'm not going...
Jimbo on LSU rumors: "I have no comment. I have a policy I don't speak about jobs. (says unfair to everyone). And there is no opening." idk...
Jimbo on LSU rumors: "I have no comment. I have a policy I don't speak about jobs. (says unfair to everyone.) And there is no opening."
Soon, folks will be posting about how their neighbor's cousin's husband has a friend who's wife is a realtor in BR and she has been showing Terry...
I've read that Jimbo and the FSU front office despise each other. Not sure how true it is, but that's been floating around.
I laugh every time Jon Gruden's name pops up. Dude makes like $6 million a year chillin the most.