The way Reuben Foster plays, I'd be surprised if he had an NFL career over 4 years. That dude is a fuckin psycho.
I, too, (like the rest of the world) would like for Bama to fail miserably. .....but they don't give a fuck what we think and will win by...
Oh, I gotcha. Yeah, I realize that. I don't own a firestick....I own the FireTV as well.....just handed sticks out as gifts b/c I don't like my...
Les Miles wouldn't make Bama's top 100 choices.
You don't think Dabo is taking over at Bama after Saban? It's pretty common knowledge that Dabo would be Bama's #1 choice after Saban. Dabo used...
I predict that Weedy Noil will get drafted by the Patriots.
He's not going anywhere. .....and even if he does, Bama will still be dominate with Dabo at the helm.
I'll make it easy for you. Since you live in my hometown and I'm there regularly, buy the FireTV, text me and I'll come over and hook you up....
I thought that's what I got. Voice remote and what-have-you. I'll have to look up the difference. I personally have the device about the size...
bruh. same.
I got a cool NorthFace coat that I like (and not much else). I, on the other hand, handed out Amazon Fire TV sticks with Kodi sideloaded. It was...
I know the Saints desperately need a CB and perhaps a DE, but could they go with a QB here? If so who? Is Mahomes just a system guy or can he...
Hmmm. I heard that he likely flunked out and this was largely academically driven.
I'm hearing Les Miles to HOU. Don't shoot the messenger.
I don't know what that means. Just posted what I saw on Marketwatch this morning. Thanks.
saw this on the twitters (via @MarketWatch): "On Obama's watch, the economy generated 8.6 million net new jobs--or about three Carrier deals every... Big recruit who flirted with LSU for a while before committing to USC...
Looks like you are in Fort Bayou where it meets Biloxi Back Bay?