Personally I think it goes back much further than four years.
I saw an interesting & funny comment on Facebook regarding Biden: "[IMG]
Interesting post. I agree with you that society as a whole has lost that civility and it has extended to this board. Do you think it's primarily...
You give new meaning to the term "splitting hairs". I'm finished discussing this topic.
One thing I haven't seen discussed is the Ignore feature. If you don't like a members posts, put them on Ignore. Seems like an easy solution to...
I guess if I'm still around, I need to change my user name to ThreadKiller [ATTACH]
If I'm attacked personally, I'm going to respond in kind. I'm obviously not from the PC generation. If me being me gets me banned, so be it. I...
"Biden stopped funding to finish constructing The Wall. Now it's being reported that he going to send $4B in aid to Central American countries....
Is it August already? Make of it what you will.
I suggest you give up trying to read peoples minds. In this case you're totally off base as to what I think about the Democrats.
Who is T-Bob? Looking at his resume it looks like he was just hired by Zimmer to be the DB coach. He spent one year with Aranda at Wisconsin....
Haven't most if not all of these allegations already been addressed in courts? If not, who is going to spend the time & money pursing them?
I'm not overly impressed with his resume. I hope Kiki is right with his comparison to Brady.
Is it offical?
August of 2030??
Biden stopped funding to finish constructing The Wall. Now it's being reported that he going to send $4B in aid to Central American countries....
If nothing could be proved between election & inauguration days, what's the point of pursuing it further? It's a waste of time & taxpayers...