Well today my wife and I are selling at a farmers market in The Woodlands Tx with a shit ton of people and i see exactly 2 people wearing masks.
That is actually more believable than the whole Russia thing.
Of course
"Let them eat cake"
You guys should go tell a brick wall to move you would have more success than getting taint to acknowledge he was wrong about Eaux.
I'll say this i had a few young marines who were Mormons. They were dependable as hell, but as chesty puller said all , all good Marines had been...
Believe what you want
Dude at least 2/3rds of the people are not wearing them. It will be cyclical for a long time. But be a good drone and wear your mask.
It's what antifa did to downtown Seattle
https://www.vox.com/platform/amp/covid-19-coronavirus-us-response-trump/21326204/texas-coronavirus-rio-grande-houston This is the kind of hack job...
if it helps you to believe I will take your advice go ahead and believe that.
Your funny dude, you have no idea what my back ground is...
If you knew where I lived youd know that i have just about zero worries of shit heads coming by my place.
I don't know the answer but side note...one of the reasons the m16a2 is 3 round burst is because with the original variant being full auto it was...
Do you only have one weapon in your house? and I am quite certain with 6 rounds in close range I can take out 3 dudes.
She does have nice legs though
Between my house and Midland Texas is about 500 miles of open country. I drive that twice a week and have done so since may. I see maybe 30% of...
But he was correct, all our jobs went to Mexico and then China.
Aaron Tippit
Its bulllshit keep believing what you want