If gun control shit heads want to shoot their balls off, I sure as hell ain't going to stop them.
For once we are 100% in agreement
Cant go to jail for that....
Ok sorry ho away and drool away..I dont know you btw.
There are pictures of sub 18 yo all over the internet. Since she is dressed it's s legal pic.
Dude I would run away from her, in a min...10 min with her will get you 20 in the pokie.
He may be right in the end, but you can always cancel later, but canceling now prevents you from starting later.
Shush you
You need glasses
She is 12, you old fool
Yes she does. I don't live in a neighborhood, IB fact I have very few neighbors so her social life really went to shit. I am glad they are...
My daughter's first day of 10th grade was today also. It was just a laying of the ground rules. She starts 5 days a week next week.
Sure wish I knew what he is saying
I worked in Seattle for about a year. That place is so left, that they will probably elect a more extreme lefty.
Our only option is to open up the economy and that people back to work. There is no other long term option.
Positive attitude can help
You have not ate good biscuits pal...
Does NC have death penalty still?
Or we could have pulled our head out of our ass and acted like adults instead of scared children.