The other day we went to a Mexican place in Navasota Texas, there was a sign on the door saying masks were mandatory, so I spun around to leave...
Again I give the first statement no validity, it's hearsay. As for the second. His statement was not all Mexicans are racist which is what your...
That's good it's doesnt change the fact that the country is still running around like little scared children worrying about the boogeyman.
The first is from a book as such doesnt meet the smell test.. As for the second, Not what he said When Mexico sends its people, they’re not...
Ain't wearing one dont give a shit what trump does and by the way all the dire warnings about Houston and Texas in general is showing up to be...
So Spain locked down hard and is a hotspot again. And then there is Sweden... 'Sweden had one of the most relaxed COVID-19 lockdowns in the...
I am also, the professional teams are all dead to me after this shit anyways. College ain't far behind them.
The simple fact is there is no clip of him saying exactly those statements. The media just took what he said out of context so you could infer...
Please show us a clip of trump stating exactly those things. Yep thats what we need in school, to hell with reading, writing... Spain’s coronavirus rate triples in three weeks after lockdown easing...
Bingo...I'm quite hard to piss off, but if your dumb ass does then your up shit creek
When you don't stand for something you fall for everything.
Bidens people are already chiming for no debates
He probably will have more fun there than his last two stops.
I am fairly certain that everytime throughout history where people were asked to surrender freedoms they were told it was for the "greater good".
@kcal wake up your dreaming....
Mine is a 357 nickle finish with an 8" barrel my dad gave me 20 years ago. That mofo is so freaking accurate it ain't funny.
My humble opinion...a revolver is better for home defense for one reason. If it doesnt fire when you pull the trigger simply pull it again....