Shane will still buy his beloved jar of roux even if the people who make it and package it have to wear a mask while they do it
Brees to retire?
Not if the mandatory mask policy is for the employees in offices, warehouses and factories.
Don Watermelon?
The Duchs have to visit Columbus. Are they going to reschedule the missed home game with the Luckeyes?
If there's a God he made these idiots too stupid to remember to eat. Hopefully they will all starve to death
When you say bud, you've said it all.
If you're going to include country the Roy Clark was right up there.
Green lives matter
Wasn't the grinch a colored guy?
Albert King was another lefty but instead of test ringing his guitar he just turned it upside down and turned it 2 steps down. Maybe there...
May the farce be with you
I think winning out would have had to include Arkansas
It doesn't matter now. LSU is not getting off the 8-9 seed unless they fall to worse.
A low talker. Here's 8 hours of mindless relaxation music. [MEDIA]
Disney +is now adding a disclaimer to selected episodes of the Muppets saying that the content may be offense to some
I'll take one. Hold the cole slaw.
You're all invited to my party where I will reveal whether I identify as a Chevy or a Ford. Or maybe an eagle or a raccoon.
Are they good to eat?
Putting a hat on a cat is systemic racism against cats. And what color is the Grinch?