Shock and awe mofos. 17 points before Nicky and the gumps know what hit them. 8 years worth of ass whoopin incoming.
Jacob Hester: "When I was at LSU, you were going to play in a phone booth, in between the tackles, stacking eight or nine guys and lining up with... Per Ryan McGee ESPN Senior Sports...
The defense will be in place this weekend. Aranda has used what he learned earlier in the season especially from Florida and Auburn games to...
LSU will be doing the spanking this time around. [IMG]
It's not gonna come down to refs fellas. There will be nothing they can do. Joe is going to be throwing darts all game long, coming up bulls eyes.... Per Espn writer Alex...
Anybody see that fool from Miami during the FSU game end his season to injury due to celebrating an interception? Call me old fashioned but...
Does this thread need to have the title changed to 3:20 AM?
The whole staff deserves credit, whatever their role is. They have done what they had to do to get the best results possible. And with every test...
Patriot Act implementation - Shady Career Politicians trying to phase "the people" out of government. Perjury from politicians without fear and no...
I listened to the majority of it. I came away concerned about what I heard. Below is a website I found with the "stellarwind" documents....
Not Dumb Bel Edwards. He's against the oil companies who bring jobs to Louisiana. That's enough to kick him to the curb for me.
I'll just put this right here... We comin! [ATTACH] [IMG]
When I was a youngster, back in the 80's our football team played in the super dome at the end of the season. Back then, the "astro turf" was...
I remember towards the end of the third quarter thinking of the same thing. Wondering if LSU's running game was going to become predictable, like...
I was a little disappointed if I’m honest. You get to see Jesse’s journey but it wasn’t enough in my opinion. I also may have to rewatch the...
As awesome as this offense is, it is still a work in progress. I could tell over the last three weeks that the offensive staff is trying to...
F U Auburn!!!!! Take that L home with you back to the plains.