walls closing in this time
so if the klan goes around burning black churches would you consider that them doing us a favor?
this church has been destroyed edit: oh, I see you already posted about it
yeah lol haha
"Hundreds of American Jews are holding a sit-in at Congress — and we won’t leave until Congress calls for a ceasefire in Gaza." yet another...
as far as I know, still no word from the NCAA on Jalen cook, of walker LA. its a local guy with his whole family wanting to come to watch him...
I used to think what you are saying is true. not anymore, now I think people's problems are their own fault and an infusion of our values wont...
no, you must worry about demographics. this is the mistake we keep making. we assume everyone wants freedom and liberty and equal rights etc....
integration wont work. there is too much hate for Jews.
this is an excellent article: https://www.newsweek.com/you-are-not-supporting-ukraine-enough-until-nuclear-blast-hits-your-face-opinion-1827128...
20 percent of Israel is Arab, and they get along fine and are citizens. but the gazan/hama are not looking for Israeli citizenship and equality...
fine, but its not relevant to my point. humans are from where they are from, and they are not assigned regions of the earth that they own. like...
no right according to who? there is no official global ledger of who deserves what. you go there, take over, its yours. that's the only way...
land is not owned by genetic destiny. land is owned by conquerers. the indigenous people in the Americas are from Africa, like all humans. and...
I really like that movie "munich" where the jews hunt down the terrorists. my underastanding is that every Hamas leader everywhere on earth will...
there has been lots of pushback to university groups of students and admins and profs that support terrorism in the form of Hamas. I think this...
seems like if we massively increase our energy production it would reduce income for oil states like Iran...
true Lincoln was a racist that said blacks were too stupid to live with whites as equals
this story was pushed primarily by one liberal radio host on twitter. there was never any evidence for it. but liberals ran with it, and made a...
yeah lol racist