but that's just made up. there is no significant evidence. you are just repeating twitter liberals. the first time you said this, it was one...
but we are talking specifically about drug policy. prohibition causes problems. your opinions on drug culture etc are independent from the issue...
the source you had for trump sharing classified info indirectly with Hamas was from one twitter asshole and even liberal site dailyKOS removed it...
they are for cheap and plentiful energy, which keeps inflation lower. its incredibly important.
ronny D is in favor of clearly unconstitutional hate crime laws and therefore I will always vote against him
I think the state dept hired to many diversity quota idiots named shamema al-kebab and shit and they are telling israel not to do anything. dipshits
remember @Winston1 , all those years everyday we were told Mueller has him, its jail for sure. adam schiff lying about the smoking gun he wasn't...
this is correct. all cases will eventually end up in appeals courts or the supreme court and be dismissed or diminished to nothing.
well it depends on which charge. clearly he paid stormy, and he wrote it down as whatever kinda expense. I don't think it should be prosecuted...
read that part again no evidence of Russian involvement.
seems like paying whores to cross state lines to come fuck is human trafficking. I think he did do that. and bribery? surely that was the whole...
good. that story was false. he neither owed Russia via deutche bank, nor was there ever a server linked to a Russian bank....
being on your knees to suck cock is fine. gays do it all the time. are you a homophbe too? some sort of prude that gets offended at adults...
the Lincoln project has weighed in: "https://twitter.com/ProjectLincoln/status/1716605427020972487 the text is "the walls are closing in" and...
oh wait more news from an hour ago https://twitter.com/RpsAgainstTrump/status/1717003272425242878 "Trump sounds angry and panicked following the...
guys guys! more breaking news from the Twitter account Republicans against trump!...
ooh ooh breaking news! walls closing in! yes, I checked the latest news and it seems as of tonight at 8:30, the walls are finally closing in....
after the Mueller report and years of investigation they did not establish that members of the trump campaign conspired or coordinated with the...
I will maintain that it is unconstitutional regardless of the court outcome. many things are clearly unconstitutional but continue. for example...
its not just that the walls are closing in. this time the insiders are turning against trump