Sure, outside of the two games they lost, and the three teams that were better than them. Even if this were true (it isn't), it's been a long time...
Sooooo, apparently Jared Foster is considering returning to the football team as a QB....
I was concerned when I heard that players were consulting YouTube for hitting tips.
Kiffin was hired because saban needed someone that he could control/bully, and that he could throw under the bus without much recourse when things...
Here's what I put in my bossburgers: diced onion, Worcestershire sauce, sea salt, Tony C's. Grill over lump charcoal. Once you get the...
Yep, it was originally a Nebraska thing. But I say, let them keep at it. Literally no one is offended or riled-up by it, and it makes the...
That's the spirit!
Nah, tiga, you know that I know that SC will always be your #1. :p
Who pisses on more parades, tiga or loco?
Is somebody seriously trying to pretend that bama doesn't get pathetically weak schedules year-in and year-out? That's a gas.
I like homeboy's reaction. "Okayyy...and?" Gumps trying to be funny is about as disastrous as them trying to be rational.
I hope that fat piece of shit never gets waited on again.
That's a lot of words to say that you can't dispute the comic.
Welter did have a great game vs Iowa. But then again, so did Freak, so we'll have to see what that means over the long-term.
Well, hey, that's your prerogative if you choose to be miserable. And I'm glad that you don't accept anything less than perfection in your own life.
And last year was a "down year" for our defense. That's very likely the worst defense you'll ever see from Chavis, and it came on the heels of...
Right. I'll take "more of the same" from Chavis any damn day because he continually puts a top-notch product out on the field. More of the...
Given his very short list of achievements and lack of experience in this field, perhaps you should contact him and lend him your advanced...
Tap bringin' the pain!! Nice work, sir. I've said it before, and I'll say it again. bama has a trillion dollar recruiting budget, the SEC...