And thus my nickname for him, "Shitstain Lane". That's what he leaves everywhere he goes...a giant, stinky shitstain. And for those who seem to...
Of course he could have! The football gods were waiting patiently, but to no avail. Anyway, let's quit talking about this.
There's your problem. Regardless of the situation or circumstance, there will always be a large contingent of people who can't wait to show your...
Too easy. Miles' benching of Jarrett Lee after the kid toughed it out & worked his ass off, leading us to an 8-0 record that season. After...
We got us a grade-A troll up in here, ladies & gentlemen. No question about it.
Is this real life??
The project manager for Brassfield & Gorrie is a bama grad, fwiw. He's from Baton Rouge, though, and claimed to be a Tiger fan. Of course, that...
Well, there are numerous teachers on both sides of the argument. My sister-in-law is a principal (with a PhD), and my wife's BFF is a teacher in...
It's so typical. Louisiana is, what, second to last in education, yet here we are, steadfastly refusing higher standards because of a GOP talking...
Try'na fuck the gov, eh? EWE is a god damn embarrassment, and I wish his crooked ass would just disappear already. He just knows no other life...
In related news, alabama Walmarts had record low sales numbers on that day.
Caught about 3 dozen at Rutherford one day last year. Heading back down there next weekend, and hope to repeat the haul. We found a great spot,...
I'm wondering how a chick from Louisville won a Louisiana award, but stranger things have happened.
I belie it's "gice" (hard 'g'). Like "guise".
Yeah, I was going to ask how we knew that he was sane to begin with. To be honest, I prefer for my D-linemen to be a little throwed-off.
Good lord. Is it safe to assume that he wasn't a great student?
Yep. Makes me fucking sick just thinking about it. I can only hope & pray that we get them in a playoff. A lot of people also forget that OSU's...