Fuckin' right. Plus, the $235million team could only muster up 2 runs of support for the guy that makes $10,000 per pitch. But the point...
Jesus, man. The answer to your question is literally in the part of my post that you quoted earlier.
Shit yeah. At the time, I hadn't even really been smoking that long. Maybe a year or so, and certainly not daily. I mean I literally would trip...
It's absolutely amazing. Many parts of it seem like something out of a Nine Inch Nails video or Rob Zombie movie. Completely top-notch, all...
I don't know. Do you consider engineering a crime? I remember once seeing the cops chasing a shoplifter through Mervyn's. They caught up to him...
Spaceport. Chess King was a good one. I got some cool clothes there in the 90s. I agree that it is a depressing sight nowadays. I remember being...
There's no need to get upset.
What a completely relevant & objective criteria upon which to form an opinion about the largest religion in the world, especially considering that...
Yep, it's that legal Rocky Mountain high.
Remember when you called me out for calling them a fraud a few months ago? Fun times. ;)
Good point, red. I was just concerned about getting the call in on time & everyone on the offense being on the same page. It's one thing to do it...
Biggest worry that I have is getting the play call in. They were taking an excruciatingly long time to get it in last week. Reminded me of '09. We...
I don't understand the rule. I understand that they make exceptions for guys showing reverence to their faith (even though they shouldn't), but I...
Not true. And Harris did the exact thing against the prevent that you're not supposed to be able to do.
Mile ain't happening. But those arrogant bastards up there seem to think they're going to reel in one of the Harbaughs. What a joke.
Even further from "Duke". Sucks for him that he hates his name.
Don't give into this shit. His name is D'Aqhuille. He can't stick with a name or a comittment...or a pass, evidently.
Our next Matt Mauck just got benched.
I was using reverse psychology to get Miles to start Harris. It worked. You're welcome.
No question. Anybody with any sense should not expect him to complete 80% of his passes in an SEC road game. But I still think the mere fact that...