I understand. But I have always used a gas card and a credit card, I just pay them off every month and owe no interest. I like being able to...
I can't argue with an article. But the guy's opinions are full of flaws. What do you think? I'll argue with you.
No, the world is getting more violent. But it is a big world. You have to be a smart traveler.
Your credit score is probably high if you've never missed payments on anything. Your credit history may be light enough to discourage some...
Then spell it out. If you're going to be openly skeptical of LSU's offense, give us a reason. Knowing everything is impossible, but recognizing...
Not for most 20-year old skateboarders. I'm thinking of a particular 20-year old with multi-million dollar NFL future. He doesn't need to go down...
SabanFan always said that he could cook with jar roux and scratch roux and nobody could tell the difference. I believe that. Now, it is possible...
It depends. Not all of it is cheap money. Way too many people amass a mountain of debt and spend the rest of their lives servicing that debt. I...
Seems like a good way to bust your ass.
How do you figure that? It raised income tax and cut sales tax which helps the poor, with small incomes and spending 100% of their take-home pay....
No. But politicians can't run on raising taxes. They (Republicans) were stupid to slash taxes because now they don't have enough money to run the...
The father is an idiot but he had no reason to think the police would shoot up the car over a warrant. The police have the responsibility to use...
Climate change is not uniform across the globe. It is worse in the northern hemisphere where most of the pollution is....
Dardenne is going to endorse Edwards today, they say. That may be all it takes. Last week I saw a lot of Dardenne signs in South Baton Rouge, come...
He tried, but the Iraqis asked us to leave when when refused to allow US soldiers to be tried in Iraqi courts. This one is on them. Specifically...
I don't have half a clue what you're trying to say. But it's not on topic for sure. You'll figure it out someday, darlin'. And we will laugh about it.
Boy . . . you're a fucking American. You have to get past this New York glitterati phase. You will not live your whole life in the concrete...
That was pretty irresponsible. Shooting at night without knowing who was in the car. No word that they were fired at themselves. This isn't going...
This is a problem that is not about blaming the Trans! It is a personal privacy issue, too. It is why new school and medical facilities are...