The oil and gas industry owns the legislature and Vitter and they are screwing Louisiana big time. It's bleak and depressed right now because of 8...
You can make scenarios up if you wish. Come back when you have something substantial to talk about.
You can't debate your way put of a paper bag. Listen to you. You blame everything on democrats, Hillary, Obama, whatever. Republican can do no...
What? Obama was elected TWICE by the The People on a apropos to enact health care. Did you forget that? You are talking about the will of the...
The one with 4 posts who thinks he knows something and posts silly drivel.
So you admit that Clinton did not say what you keep saying she did? Now you confuse her with Obama and Rice.
Extreme naiveté.
Grow up.
Bottle 2?
Are you some kind of fag? All you want to talk about is dicks and asses. Come back when you are serious about discussing politics. I don't have...
FOXnews is reporting the Obama line. Do you know how utterly stupid you sound? You are believing your own propaganda. You have been busted. Live...
I don;t think they would have taken the redshirt off Ducre or moved a linebacker to fullback if they thought Moore was going to be back soon.
Call her Madam President.
I come here to argue the issues of politics not trade insults with knuckle-draggers.
Anybody who believes that a YouTube video caused the attacks is a gullible and naive fool. The attacks occured on 9/11. Does that tell you...
A non-vote is a vote for Vitter.
This is basic ignorance. The American democratic system is designed to produce pragmatic solutions based on compromise. It has never been "get a...
Nonsense. We would have a single-payer ssystem and everybody would be covered just like Medicare if they got everything that wanted. They made...