I've frequently and with ease countered most every ridiculous point you attempt to make, but its useless when dealing with someone that lacks...
Don't forget insult, intimidate, and embarrass you. I've frequently and with ease countered most every ridiculous point you attempt to make, but...
Only brain diseased morons believe this. [ATTACH]
He's doing it on purpose because he's pissed about what happened. That it's also triggering spineless libs is an added bonus.
It used to be fun to shit on Rex and still is from time to time, but his mental deficiency is on a scale never seen before, so really, its kind of...
This must be a close 2nd. [ATTACH]
He's right. The dems are going to continue making up charges until they can find something that sticks, so that he's ineligible to run in 2024.
In your diseased mind, everything Republicans do have nefarious means, while democrats are selfless, never-do-wrong servants of the people. Just...
I heard he was scared. Another key part of the narrative.
Wanted to post this in the thread with all the hot chicks with guns, but couldn't remember the name of it. [ATTACH]
Hilarious, you hypocritical douche. [ATTACH]
Anyone who can't see that this is a politically motivated persecution to keep him from running in 2024 is a dumbass in the worst way. Why so many...