He just proved otherwise. What do you say now?
Yep, just like I said in #3068
Most upscale places have built in tips for parties of 10 or more.
He knows they are. He just refuses to give you the satisfaction of an acknowledgement because he would be admitting that he's a liar ruled by his...
Which is exactly why I rarely explain my position to you or Rex. You're both so ate up with TDS that it's pointless. Neither of you would...
You're purposely trying to obfuscate the meaning to say that Republicans are not in favor of education; when in reality it because of the negative...
The only public servant in history who's net worth went down during and after his time in office. [ATTACH]
Says the Biden lover.
Wonder if that includes future student loans while he's still in office. Where does it stop?
Believing anything they say is your first mistake. Why would he trust the DOJ with anything? You act like they're fair and unbiased. I'd want...
No, they're corrupt for selective investigations of the political opponent of democrats. As a democrat, this should make you happy.
He has no self awareness and is incapable of introspection.
It's obvious that he's rules by his emotions.
I know, especially with someone incapable of reason or compromise because he's ruled by his emotions.
Its no surprise that you dont have the mental capacity to understand the meme.., especially comsiderintlg that you think a headless baby is alive,...
Stupid analogy. Quit taking money out of my check each week to fund these activities, then I will.
They don't need the government to take care of them because they were smart enough to save and invest wisely. And the paltry sum they do get back...
Who gives a shit about history? I'm talking about now bitch. And in typical TDS fashion, your playbook is to blame Trump for everything and...