Bingo, 100% if brains were dynamite he couldn't blow his nose
Did my suggestion work out? Apparently right?
And they hated a little liberal fuck like Trudeau enough to go to Russia. Tell me again how great liberalism is...idiot
If the left is blaming Putin you can be sure of only one thing, that Putin had nothing to do with it.
1. What does it say about Canada if a family is willing to move to Russia to escape it 2. Biden just made putin a LOT of money. I bet you a...
Talk about options, we can start with that idiot judge that ruled on the case before the trial started. The same judge refused to allow the...
How so? The bank loaned money and the loan was repaid! Perhaps you missed the part of the trial where bank executives testified that they paid NO...
So he's convicted of fraud where there is no victim. Yeah that's going to stand up on appeal
What is stopping you bud? If it's glitchy try using Firefox for your browser
We gonna be just fine, don't fret peeps!
Pipe bomb is about to do that. I and @Jmg were asking this long ago. It's about to be exposed though.
He doesn't know much of anything
I mean if this doesn't illustrate the two tiered justice system I don't know what will. The Fl case should be thrown out immediately!
Because we don't need one! The power to close the border is already established in section 212 F of the INA. This "bill" as previously stated...
You just made ALL of that up!
I was hoping but if that was the plan it fell flat. Now we have a kid that was a long term commit pissed at us
You made that up, like most of your drivel
You do realize he could have that win tomorrow right? Hell tonight even. He Doesn't Want To!!!
He was a 3* and I feel in my gut this is to open up a slot for someone else they have a silent verbal from. Have to trust the staff I guess but...
You and I may be the only ones that wanted to keep him and ride it out. They didn't even do anything to Bill Self. This was a bad move by Woodward