You are forgetting there are ships and submarines that are nuclear powered already.
Pride, you are on one hell of a roll!!!!
Lotsa Boobies = Lotsa runs!
I'm not watching the game Pride, just waiting for your next post!:D
That is really sad.
I thought anyone from north of I-10 was considered to be a "damn yankee!":D
Your wrestling coach was right, the only guys in gym class that could do the rope climb without using their legs to help were the wrestlers.
Wide receiver? In high school I wrestled. Soph: 95 lbs, Jr: 105 lbs, Sr: 120 lbs (growth spurt):D
Quarterback? Hell, I'm 5'6" and weigh in at @156 lbs, I'm too small to play water boy!
Or, we could just pay someone to take it off our hands!:D
My first thought when I saw the title of the thread was "who gives a $hit."
One thing no one has mentioned was the injury to Mahomes big toe. Bad enough probably going to need surgery which surely limited his scrambling...
STREAKER sighting!
Hey, don't forget me!
I don't watch pro football, is the receiving team required to return kickoffs?
Clyde sightings!
Some guy I've never heard of or seen before.
Doesn't matter to me, I'd still let her sit on my face!:D
The good news is this is an out of conference game, so you'll have a better chance of success. Good luck, hope it works out for the best.