Which would be a win for the program since, pre season, pundits figured 2-3 wins total. I know I dam sure didn’t think they would beat TCU on...
I read today where last week’s game v Nebraska brought in 18 MILLION to Colorado.
I haven’t been following CFB closely lately but was wondering how the Tenn Florida matchup would go down. @shane0911 I hate to say it but that...
At least it’s an away game.
This may be THE weakest team we ever played.
Well, looks like at least one more week a dis lol
Colorado gonna take a 13-0 lead to the half.
Yes, yes, yes.
Miami and A&M may be interesting too
Lmao. Me too
Texas/Bama and Colorado/Nebraska are the two games I am anxious to watch this Saturday
True but what he’s done already is amazing. Fans are all different. I just prefer being happy for successful Coaches instead of bashing the ones...
Man that was hard to watch. Ended up eating gummies and putting less 7 up in my Old Charter so slept well, but dayum.
Glad for Deon
MC, we passed thru Morgan City on way to camp/fish in Theriot. We stopped to walk thru Petroleum and Shrimp Fest. NICE!
Man Holly Rowe looks nothing like she did when tirk used to jack off to her.
Y’all watching Florida and Utah tonight?
Those boys of yours stink more than my goats. :D
Indeed. I’m hoping TCU wins handily. I like Deon but he needs a lil humbling
Anxious to see Colorado and TCU