Go Rebs! I feel an upset.
Arkansas hasn’t seen a Saturday night early season game in Tiger Stadium in a while. Bout too busy some hogs. Gots ma poke ribs ready to chunk...
So scary. Hopefully this has a happy ending.
The Ducks tryin to keep up with Coach D. https://www.yahoo.com/sports/oregons-cleats-change-colors-heat-154716735.html
Shit, not good. Prayers for him.
Classy move from Coach Prime and T Hunter to call off the dogs about the death threats over the nasty hit he took. I hope the CSU player went...
Not disagreeing but man, we played well, enjoy the win!
Games I’m anxious for this weekend: 11:00-Florida St and Clemson 2:30- Colorado and Oregon 2:30- Mississippi and Bama 6:00 LSU/Ark 6:30...
I listened to the whole thing. Dude speaks with people knowledge
You shopping for one of those overseas wives?
CSU cornerback, hit T Hunter so hard on that cheap shot, it was almost called a hate crime.
Yeah me too.
Felt like I was watching the Saints of the 80’s Props to Prime’s team though. The never gave up.
Well it’s a non LSU topic but very trending. Dam good game!
There are a lot of people who stayed up to watch. It’s a dog fight!
Since traffic is slow, and with permission from the mods I request a thread on this for entertainment purposes- of sorts. Whose watching the...
Lucky it doesn’t cost him a player 1/2 game suspension - idiot. That was really a dick move calling the TO. He must enjoy pain since he extended it.
I know it’s Miss St but we played well today!
I know one thing, Coach Prime sure says all the right things.
Geaux Tigers!