Never said the Democrats would take the House. Perhaps, you need to increase the dose of your medicine or attend LA (liar's anonymous) and...
Huh? Daschle wasn't even running -- it was Johnson And Sapling was the one who put his prestige on the line in South Dakota, a state he won BTW...
I see that the not-too-bright LSUMJ has been calling myself and Biggles names, but I don't see the warning you gave to me. Looks again like a...
More lies by the king of such, LSUMJ >>1. for MONTHS, all he has spouted was how the Dem's would take control of the House and the Senate wrong...
Hey guy, how did your party do in governors' races Oh, that's right, you got YOUR ASSES kicked BIG TIME. BTW, must be a rightwing conspiracy by...