An asylum? Finally doing the right thing, huh? First, as usual I don't give a damn where you will be. Second, however, I must say committing...
Let's compare the biggest drain in the history of this country Is it social programs? NOT a snowball's chance. What continues to be the biggest...
Should have said CA has about 1/5 (not 5%) of the nation's population No further message.
'Many' apparently has changed its meaning "Well since I know you are still stinging from the many Senate/House losses from back in November, I'll...
Hey Sapling, how that personal appearance persuasion going. You put your prestige on the line by coming into Louisiana and got your ass kicked,...
I'm shocked that Sapling who CLAIMED not to perform actions based upon politics is now DUMPING O'Neill and Lindsey because they are POLITICAL...
Exactly right, and the videos about prisoner treatment were ridiculous OK, let's grab some video of how people in custody in the Phillipines are...
Looks like Sapling is sabre-rattling again with NO EVIDENCE and NO SUPPORT. Of course, he did get the right to use Turkey's airbases IF 1) the UN...
The zebras are a lost cause That "profession" continues week after week to show incredible inconsistency and incompetence. Hey LSUMJ, come to...
Actually, I will quote your own post "It was claimed that some of these had been destroyed by the bombing of the site; some had been transferred...
I see where Sapling is starting to hold his breath until his face turns blue to try to get ANY country in the world on his side in the Iraqi...
In an interview with Esquire magazine, John J. Dilulio, Jr. who headed the White House Office of Faith Based and Community Initiatives in 2001...
Last week, CIA director Tenet testified that al Qaeda "is just as dangerous now as before September 11th, 2001". Hmmm, now let's examine...
diehardLSUfan was right on his analysis The proper approach was clearly a surgical strike against a few key people. That is what Clinton...
Apparently, the US government believes that is indeed Osama Bin Laden's voice on the recently released tape where the timing of its production is...
Yeah, her position on workers' rights is outrageous How dare her year in and year out question "Most Favored Nation" trading status for China....
Hot dog vendor? Contribution? Indeed, I missed Huntsvilly's claimed contributions to the Selma March, but I can indeed believe he made one. My...
I guess you would have the US claim victory in Vietnam also I love how you give Sapling credit for the WATERED DOWN version of the UN resolution....
>>Where are those 2 elderly black gentlemen Hunstvilly and Hillbilly? Unless "Watermelon Man" has been remade, they are actually white....
The GOP would know about losing incumbents Since they lost around 10 in the governor's races. And Sapling did make the South Dakota race the...