Sorry to throw scientific measurements at you Don't way to take away any of your time throwing facts at you. I noticed you didn't address the...
>>If deficits were so bad then why was it that Reagan had the largest peace time expansion of the economy in moder times? That honor belongs...
Not governed by polls???? ROTFLMAO!! Apparently, you missed the statement by the outgoing guy at the Faith-based initiatives area of Sapling's...
For those who continue to tout Sapling's approval rating, here is some news you need to ignore. Besides his approval rating now down to 63% from...
Pretty much says it all in this link that mentions forcing prisoners to kneel for hours in black hoods or spray painted goggles. The "detainees"...
I haven't been able to reach the board from my home computer since I had to reformat my hard drive and reinstall everything. Here's a Christmas...
Would you like to quote when Bill Clinton said that Oh, you may have trouble because he didn't. I assume you are talking about Hillary Clinton,...
Isn't it the old elephant men who point fingers at those who won't take responsibility for their actions? Now, although Lottie says he brought it...
Economy was in recession more than 1 month First, the definition of a recession in almost all areas of thought is consecutive down quarters in...
Most good posts by JD and the estate tax issue First, JD, glad to hear yet another voice pointing out the hypocrisy of the pseudo class warfare...
I answered it -- if you aren't bright enough, that is your problem Let me summarize and PLEASE feel free to ask a retarded child to help you...
More like the crooked than the poor and lazy >>Tom wants those that work, create business' and jobs to give most of their money to the stupid and...
Punished your most productive citizens? ROTFLMAO!! Geez, Fastow and Kenneth Lay have really been "punished", haven't they? Poor babies, I feel...
Just heard that 2002 had the 2nd hottest summer globally since weather records have been kept. And what was the hottest? You have to go way back...
Not exactly Shreveport Tiger, but does have a descriptive handle "Do you go by "ShreveportTiger" on the football board? Just curious." No, but...
>>>Just as long as you are aware that Gingrich was not in a body that vetoed anything and that neither from 92-97 or 98-00 did the Republicans...
Trent needs to throw a Hail Mary pass and come out and admit he is black. ROTFLMAO!! Now a 3RD situation has come out where he said that...
Is that the same McCain who changed his mind of the SC flag Apparently, your memory is failing you or it is selective at best. I believe it was...
Mr W is full of crap as usual >>The issue in debate over consultants operating with auditors had no effect on the demise of the Enron's of the...
Trent Lott is a hypocritical fool (qualifies him for GOP leader IMO) I heard where he said if there was a vote for a Martin Luther King, Jr....