Ah, the standard answer by the rightist wingnuts when they can't provide proof Hey Tigersaint, you must have picture of Tricky Dick in your...
Gutting our military has been proven to have been a lie Remember when the rightwing militarists in this country CLAIMED that Clinton had gutted...
Sapling of course being the dimwitted and hypocritical "leader" that he is apparently doesn't really believe North Korea is as much of a threat as...
Iraq has released a statement making fun of Sapling's statement that he hopes the situation can be peacefully resolved. Sapling's statement...
Major Jerk lies again I NEVER said the Democrats would win the senate race in Texas. NEVER! And the only one I saw try to contradict that was...
Oh, Major Jerk, let's review your honesty First, you CLAIMED an article was by the AP when it was really Faux News. Later, you CLAIMED that I...
Major Jerk, who apparently has NOTHING in his life First, peabrain, I don't have a clue what shoes I wore to a ame 2 years ago. I have velcro...
Tigersaint, you are totally clueless >>In one breath the socialist complains that the economy is bad and then he wants us to ratify a treaty that...
Protecting peoples' health is not a touchy-feeling thing To put the health of people in danger (as Sapling does by opposing the Kyoto Global...
Save your $30, the meaning of life is not in a Rush Limbaugh book For the religious, the meaning of life can be found in the holy book of their...
Hey Major Jerk, how much you paying for your dates these days Of course, don't be ashamed that you have to BUY your women. With your personality...
Uh, Ellis, I don't visit a bunch of internet boards and I'm certainly not stupid enough to pay to do so. Of course, you elephant men are so...
Hitler and the Gestapo thank you Tigersaint amazingly posts even more garbage: "It's called information. We have two ways to get them to talk....
Quite the liar aren't you? Ellis Hugh wrote: "I didn't think he was an LSU fan at all. It seems like he is just someone who gets his jollies...
Major Jerk, still the compulsive lair I see Guy, as usual, you prove yourself the TOTAL LOSER. The fact that you seem to spend a lot of time on...
Major Jerk, you won't be seeing me, TROLL In fact, I'm not sure you are bright enough to even find Texas, you POS.
>>I care that my family and my fellow Americans are safe from Islamic nuts. And my guess is that many in the world want to keep themselves safe...
Your hypocrisy and lies amaze me First, I never defended nor said that the terrorist attacks were justified. However, when the US applies...
Hey MAJOR JERK, learn some history >>having CEOs and other BOD members pay themselves whatever they want and cook the books so that they can make...
Apparenty, you don't have a scientific/math background You mentioned that 95% of the greenhouse gases are natural. I have no idea whether that...