Biggles has said most that needs to be said but here is a little more. Biggles of course continued to point out the HYPOCRISY of the...
Another lie by the king of such, Major Jerk >> i stated i feel life begins at conception. the post i made about heartbeats, etc has nothing to do...
They have NOT provided the proof to people who need to know I guess you were living in a cave, but Sapling's "evidence" has NOT convinced anyone...
Now, on to Major Jerk's lies Listen, retarded one, I have already stated I am not a homosexual, but ALSO stated that it is certainly nothing to...
Ellis Hugh, learn to read, DIMWIT The reference to the respect given to the US during the Clinton years was related to OUR ALLIES. I never said...
To NTTiger, you are a pathetic POS BTW, NTTiger, my favorite moment of all time on any board was when you CLAIMED I had lied about the source of...
We finally agree on something I'm not registered with the Dallas Morning News online service either for the same reason you gave. However, I saw...
>>1. what did you disprove? i feel life begins at conception. No, your main point was about a heartbeat, has mobility, takes nourishment, etc....
Uh, typographical errors are not relevant to a degree or not having a degree Oh, and an obscure former congressman from Ohio whose name was...
Still the compulsive liar I see >>1. please answer this techster, if i would have said that why would i BEG you to pay the 32 bucks to stay? its...
Hey, they have already mentioned the crooks Sapling and Cheney a couple of times about how Enron was able to influence the Energy Task Force and...
Dallas Morning News this week -- big article that took up about 1/4 of one page. Geez, I guess you don't know how to find articles, huh? Yet...
Major Jerk, I will admit you are a compulsive liar >>what about the babies body? the one that has a heartbeat, moves on its own, takes...
No, actually it has been proven that MOST effects of the warmup are man-made Also, the reason the rightist wingnuts don't want to admit what the...
An AP poll just out says that by a 2 to 1 margin, Americans do NOT want any tax cuts at the present time. Also, they were wary about a war...
Uh, dimwit, you have missed the point I would NOT sign up for immoral and unjustified military action that you, Sapling, and the other rightist...
Charles Rangel has hit on a perfect idea to ram home the point of starting ludicrous military operations around the world...reinitialize the...
Source of this story is AP (the real AP, not Faux News as one person on this board seems to want to misrepresent as the AP on occasion) and was in...
What I've said is that one person's terrorist is another's freedom fighter What has also been said in polls is that the European people fear the...
Hey, major jerk retarded one First, you DID say along with that other idiot NTTiger that you were glad to see me not subscribe to the paysite....