'About once a day' isn't your frequency of visit by any stretch I have seen you on this board posted at 4 different times during the day. So try...
Yes, but on this forum that information is not available unless you give it. On some boards, you had to give certain information to be able to...
Eisenhower was the president who sent advisors to Vietnam I hate to burst your bubble, but Dwight D. Eisenhower was the first president to put a...
Take off your rightwing colored glasses >>The reason I complain about your language is because it is so consistent. While others may use insults...
You have been saying essentially I could never say a nice thing about someone, etc. Well, you know what I'm talking about so I won't even bring...
Sperling correctly points out that Sapling's "economic stimulus" plan is nothing more than a tax break to the wealthy who by far are the biggest...
Apparently, you aren't bright enough to read your own statements >>"and by the way tom, i check this site about once a day" If you only check...
InVinoVeritas, that was a major 3 way race when Clinton ran If you will remember, Perot was in the races when Clinton ran which was a major split...
Moron, you didn't post much until the last several days Once again, you prove yourself witless at math. You average back to November when you...
Major Jerk, you are a TROLL Guy, I realize you lead a pathetic, nothing of an existence. Basically, if you weren't spending your time as a...
To NTTiger, yours was not a little mistake First, NTTiger, you challenged me MULTIPLE times to tell you where I got my information. I answered...
Major Jerk surely visits a board a lot for "once a day" Recently, you posted something to the effect that you visit this board once a day. I...
Hey Hassle, get spell check LOSER Guy, even a monkey could spell better than you but I you did post something of use in your messages. Take that...
Major Jerk, you are an imbecile Unfortunately, it is for the likes of you and your other pseudo Americans that THOUSANDS of Americans died for...
No, actually I like pointing out all your lies Funny, how you made a statement about every other word of mine being capitalized, and when I...
>>Tom - this is an honest question that I am genuinely curious about - so try to answer civilly without cursing, ranting, CAPITALIZING, or calling...
>>what does it matter to you? you said serving isnt an accomplishment anyway. Military service is not an accomplishment, but a choice as to how...
Saban fan IGNORANTLY wrote: >>You f---ing Gen-X, pasty-legged, pansy ass liberals have no clue. You feel it's OK to defend terrorist leaders like...
Get your elephant men to put up or shut up I realize you don't believe in the principles this country was founded upon, but providing EVIDENCE...
Yet more lies by the king of such >>you're claim on how it was spelled was based on a tv graphic. you even insisted when WE SHOWED YOU HIS...