I notice that the point of my post was NOT even addressed Hey, that's fine -- apparently, you guys agreed with it, and no contrary opinion was to...
Quite the 'copout' statement by Powell He was interviewed tonight on NBC Nightly News and when asked by Brokaw if overwhelming evidence could be...
Yeah, people really give a damn what GOPers think Clinton's administration presides over an economy that added 250,000 jobs a month while...
Below is the Yahoo story about how the Democrats will correctly filibuster Pickering's nomination if necessary to do so to prevent the rightwing...
Mike the Tiger, 'wars' is the operative word isn't it First, I don't think anyone would say that WW1 and WW2 were not justified since several...
So, TWO months into inspections and as the article states, the UN has found no smoking gun as far as an Iraqi weapons of mass destruction goes....
Clinton created the business climate that created the new jobs See, unlike the hypocritical elephant men, he actually forced business to INVEST...
Meant to post this a day or two ago, because I heard this on the NBC Nightly News (Monday night's version). During the Clinton presidency, an...
>>Oh, and why do women earn about 30% less for doing exactly the same job with exactly the same experience >Because they should be cooking me...
Uh, Skippy, most people don't end up 'earning' their positions >>People aren't born "workers" (proletariat in your world) and people aren't born...
>>People don't buy muni's because of the return but for stability. Cutting the dividend tax doesn't affect the volatility of the stock. People...
North Korea has close ties with Communist China just like the Iron Curtain countries had ties to the Soviet Union. Yes, North Korea IS more of a...
Sales taxes are regressive Jetstorm wrote: >> I've got a friend who is an accounting major who is a big fan of the flat tax, saying the flat...
Reading and listening to the reports about the supposed Sapling plan to stimulate the economy and help people is his usual nonsense. Here are...
Once again you lie again I get along with Biggles, TUWho, JD, etc. And I post more than some of the others which obviously means I upset more...
Not ironic at all, simply the difference in character of people I was responding to. BTW, who was it that took the low road and posted personal...
North Korea isn't going around threatening invasions of sovereign nations contrary to whether they get UN approval or not, are they? As far as...
>>The truth slaps you square in the face and you ignore it. I said I was a Vietnam Veteran. You called ME a jerk and a dumbass (for trying to...
Read it, peabrain, and I had been talking about the rightwing politicians So I suggest you keep looking because you failed miserably on this...
I NEVER criticized the soldier, I criticized the rightwing armchair militarists Point out ONE single post where I criticized the enlisted guy. I...