And that's game
Feeling the air leave the building. Need something rather large to happen
Who dat bitches!
Should probably check the air...
He's been fairly silent since returning. A few catches over the middle, but not much else
Well hell yeah! Whoops, stepped out
Who dat bitches
Good fuggin lord
Lattimore doin gods work right there
Cook has gotta snatch that. This is the playoffs
Ya aught to keep one there negreaux. Yunno, for squirrels and such
Relax We're waiting on Spagnuolo to wrap up for the season. Andy is being a douche and refusing our call is all. We got this
Not your fault. Tap will be here within 48 hours to drop his pants on this one. It's coming
Or apparently, "American Thinker" decided the cost of litigation far exceeded the need for journalistic integrity. Survive to write another think...
Because Tap has friends in Pittsburgh. And so, here we go with another Ogeron blunder thread...
Not if one cancels out the other. We have really not seen a multi-sport athlete pay off since Chad Jones, but the kid gets the benefit until he...
Not sure actually, but I cannot imagine an organization wanting to get in the way of a coaches potential for growth. I suppose you could, but...
I believe all you have to do is ask permission to speak with another team's coach if they are still in competition.
Just the NFL