Let's see U of F lost to MISS STATE the following week and we now see Mile's ability yet once a gain to field an offense with a coached and...
and you see Miles getting this done? Hows that gone for the last 3 yrs?
the wonderful col klink and his trusty side kick sgt shultz Miles and crowton....... cluless as ever. :dis:
so who coaches this inept offense during practice? who calls the plays? who teaches these guys week in and week out to play football? What...
if you say so man. I dont know the kid personally. Unaceptable either way.
well coached team with equal talent can do that.
the WR's are probably in shock that a ball is being thrown at them. besides practice. Tolliver had the dropsies but look at how many...
because we cant pass. We have world class WR's and cant pass. no talent at QB and no coaches to coach them or find replacements. its been...
the aubbies are gonna love you..... BTW who coaches this team that did all these things wrong? Gotcha lol
arent you the same guy that guaranteed Miles would start Lee? who wrote you this guarantee? You are on the scouting team now? tell us...
We have a play like that EVERY GAME. the odds say we cant always make those even though Miles seems to get more than his share. At some point...
LOL he is Col Klink cluless. :milesmic: give him a Monacle and he'd look just like him... he's such a good recruiter too! Look at...
Its been a while since we have beaten a REAL top ten team. Welcome to Miles ball.
The mad hatter decides to go for it on fourth down with an in effective offense. suprise suprise. Live by the sword die by the sword. he's...
if we play solid offense we will beat them. If we dont get alot of bone head play calls from Crowton and if Miles has a clue this game we can...
We stumble thru another one! :geaux: a win is a WIN we're 7-0 :geauxtige
I guess the players know how the BCS works lol good old Les
you can forget that Miles is a gentlemens coach lol or an idiot only way we run it up is if the players do it.
Yes why yes we would lol
woahhhh there pard, one thing at a time! I think we'd settle for LES just understanding football.