Lee didnt go downhill, he threw a couple INT's Les took him out probably NOT as punishment but to give the offense an added dimension.. an extra...
It definately shouldnt be in the Georgia dome every yr. should spread it around to other neuttral sites. Just saying
Whatever is bothering Lee on a personal Note Im sure all of us feel for him, I'm sure CLM is doing everything he can to provide council. but...
Its people like youy whispering in Lee's ear that do more to hurt his career if he stands a chance at one than him holding his head up and doing...
folks its just football. It happens everywhere. Coaches play the best player they feel gives them the best chance to win. Individuals dont get...
I deplore bama even worse than saban or :olefire: Cant decide what would piss them off more losing to us a second time or missing the whole...
no its not an attempt to "minimize " anything our resume wasnt in place then..... ESPN was just hyping the game as they are paid to do... .......
I wonder what these would look like if We had played UGA's schedule?
We just pretend we havent already played Bama? It was a close game on their turf they should have won but the best team prevailed. 1. wouldnt...
although it isnt right for bama to get a second shot, the other side of that coin is everyone thinks they are the second best team in the country....
see, perfect example right here. osme *******'s panties in a bunch Lee isnt a bad QB for us, JJ is just better
the line will tighten up as the day gets here. The media hype will fuel the fire. Vegas looks at the tale of the tape.... LSU will cover the...
Jefferson always was the better QB. he would have started all yr had he not been in the fight. Lee is not mobile and gets rattled when hit....
One little thing you dont seem to understand..... we arent Tennessee. Some how I think our Defense is a tad niy more effective than the Vols.......
I think we'll be ok! We've done fairly well over the last few years there. it not like it was when Bear was there, alot more parity.
Any Idea where ( Justin Tv maybe ) I can catch a replay of the game?
well yes if some LSU player obviously did something wrong..... punishment is in order..... BUT this is starting to sound like a Witch hunt.......
this reeks of a "witch hunt" this will pass..... ducks beware
Pre season steam , wrong place wrong time. run a few extra laps and then on to whoopin some ducks. arent these folks like 20 ish ?? you...
News media will say anything even if it is wrong just to get an audience.