No G_MAN, that's NOT what I'm saying at all. I'm speaking in reference to the mean spirited attitude of SF as regards his citing the quote of W....
IN response, BB, the 9-11 commission has proven that there was never a link between Saddam and Osama. In fact, it has been shown that they did not...
Thanks, I wasn't looking for an exact time. I never listen to ESPN radio, especially Patrick cause I can't stand the guy and his crap. Just needed...
What time?
You're right, on the second one, Martin. Old Hermann did say that while awaiting trial in Nuremburg. But who said the first one? Why does...
A couple of quotes I came across that I found interesting. See if you can guess who said them. "Every gun that is made, every warship...
I saved David McCallums life when he was in BR at the height of "The Man From Uncle".
Bear Bryant Steve Superior Bobby Knight The blind refs that blew the 2 point conversion in the '59 Tenn. game that cost us a back to...
None of these idiots who are calling for Smokes head or complains when NIck loses a game give a rats ass about what they accomplished in the past....
Tell me what you're on, TE, I want to avoid it at all costs!!
"Ok, my last word. I never said it was true. I just passed it along." Nice crawfish job there SF. All anybody has to know that you DEFINITELY...
The only recruiting list and rankings I care about is the one that Nick has. The rest don't mean squat other than for entertainment purposes!!!
You guys are unbelievable! Any of you EVER BEEN TO FRANCE? I doubt it. If you had you would know that the French people love Americans and are...
I know I am going to surprise a lot of folks on here but I have to side with the majority on this issue. I see nothing wrong with paying special...
Red, you make the point about China and Taiwan and China will probably do whatever it wants to do without interference from us but not because of...
There was an article in the Daily Disappointmrny last week by Berry Tramel on why OU lost to KSU and LSU. Bob Stoops said it was because of poor...
Spit on the woman, eat the baby. Or maybe the other way around if she's good looking!! :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin:...
Haven't seen the Daily Disappointment yet but I bet the Okies here are eating this up!!
Old news! 60 Minutes did a report on this years ago. I know this goes on and it is why I don't give them money. My point I'm trying to make is,...
JS, if you're going to use biblical examples, please be sure you know what you're talking about okay? When Jesus went into the temple and ran the...