It was just announced on local OKC tv that Pellini is indeed going to be at LSU as dc and Peveto is coming with him. Also it was announced that...
If this turns out to be true, then Tiger fans are gonna be rrrreeeaaalll hhhaaapppyyy!! Dunbar is probably as close to being Pete Jenkins as Pete...
Since I was watching the SB last night and not the local news, I may have missed the report. I contacted one of the local writers today and he...
I don't know where this Pellini rumor got started but unless you know something I don't or have heard from a source I haven't, there has been...
Zero U had an Hebert and an Oubre play for them a while back. Used to drive me up the wall everytime I heard one of these bumpkins say "Obree' or...
My my, what short selective memories some have. As soon as I heard Burton say this, I knew the Brady Bashers would be out in full force. It...
I'm offended that the sorry-assed sob used LSU and La. as examples in his hate filled rantings! Obviously this is a Bush supporter who lives by...
Yes and after a great deal of criticism, he changed it back and apologized.
To me, this was about as classless an act of insecurity and jealousy as Shula's changing the name of the Croom Award at Bama. Gundy was...
My my, how the worm turns!! I wonder how many people on here that are down on RP for his behavior were supportive of Nick Saban in his....
Because he's a selfish egotisitical sob who doesn't give a rats ass about anyone but himself!
According to an article in todays Daily Oklahoman (1-13), Edwards was being pursued by both Miles and Gundy but, for whatever reason, "might not...
In an article in todays Daily Oklahoman, Matt Leinart says that by the middle of the 3rd quarter of the NC game, some Sooners were begging him to...
Good deal for Ramah Sounds like a deal custom made for Ramah, with his big Saudi money. He oughta be able to pay cash on the barrelhead, ya reckon?
It has been reported on the news this am here in OKC that Miles has been offered and accepted the job in Tigertown. He has asked all of his...
Uh, how can I admit I was wrong when it was you that posted the incorrect information I drew my conclusion from? I guess I can apologize for not...
Let's hope that with the core of last years team returning this year will be much the same where everybody takes responsibility for themselves and...
This is what I expect from Patrick and why I don't listen to him. As for the rest of you know it alls, until you've done what SF used to have for...
Like father like son! Nah, that's not fair to Sr. At least he had some semblance of decency. BTW, you should have SPECIFIED WHICH GB said it!
Exactly the reasons we should MOOB!!!!!