I can't stand winter and cold temperatures. The only time I like snow is when it gets me out of work. Same here. I always tell people when I'm...
It was in an email someone sent me. I love it!
He only won cause Tiger cheated...
Now its getting goooood.....:popcorn:
Someone who has been here as long as you should make a much more dramatic exit... milk it man! :grin:
We scored my Dad a "Please do not stand at the fence" sign because he always got yelled at for standing in Right 4... Sorry Mr. Marshall Man!...
The concept sounded great in the email but when I saw the image I thought too cheesy...
I am doing some last minute shopping and thought I would throw some ideas out there for others doing the same. My Dad is the biggest LSU fan...
Thanks Reb!! Merry Christmas to you too!! I'll add you to the list of Ole Miss fans I like. 1. My neighbors 2. Col Reb He's only bad on...
Tebow should have had John 11:35 on his eye black: "Jesus Wept" Wait wasn't he playing in the dome? Lol.
[IMG] Going shopping for a Christmas Tree. She, like her Mom, would prefer a fake pre-lit tree but her Dad insists on a real Douglas Fir....
[IMG] One of her two month portraits
Sounds like we should play name that ass...
She may kill you over that last pic. Too bad it doesn't show the boots!
Looks like Pod is a line judge...
The bow in question-
:lol: Neither can I!!
No problem! I'm sorry we couldn't stay long!! Newborns are tempermental ya know...
You forgot SabanFan's illegitimate redheaded child...
I'll be there! And Baby Peyton will be making a visit as well!