Very similar here- chicken and sausage gumbo, french bread and KING CAKE (my parents visited this weekend and brought me one.)
Same here.
Love the Heart of the City!
I second that motion... KyleK- I also work with a die hard Cowboys fan who is cheering for the Saints to go all the way. :thumb:
My first Super Bowl Party in Mississippi I made crawfish boullettes. We've been invited back every year.... Crawfish Boulettes
YouTube - "Lets Boogie!" New Orleans Saints Song by The Nobles
My friend made a CD of some of these songs... I'm looking for more... YouTube - Roll with the Black and Gold (Saints hype video)
My favorite-
Noticed I did not post that garbage.... Miley is bad enough...
YouTube - Bring 'Em to the Dome- New Orleans Saints Anthem
YouTube - NEW SAINTS SONG!! 2010
For this Sunday... what cha got?? YouTube - New Orleans Saints WHO DAT NATION THEME - Black & Gold (Who Dat!) - K Gates
Satan responds- Letter of the day: Haiti suffers, and Robertson sees the hand of Satan |
I got to hear Deuce speak this summer at a banquet. He actually stepped in at the last minute because we were scheduled to have Steve McNair......
Ours are all Italian. I got smart and started asking for just a "little" mayo... works better.
I love those! We make them at home... sounds gross but they are really good! Grilled corn coated in a mayo/chili powder mix. drizzle with lime...
I like a light spread on mayo on a BLT. But ordering "light" mayo at Subway still gets you a nasty mayo river running through your sandwich. We...
I have gumbo and shrimp and corn bisque in the freezer from my family. I made some great chicken tortilla soup the other night that turned out...
To be fair there is an all bronze one too. But you have to get the purple and gold one. ;)
You know you want one... [IMG]