It was really the only name we could agree on. Don't worry she was in her Who Dat shirt for the game.
That's cute. Don't forget Devery, Jeremy, Derron and Roby...
How many Who Dat Babies will there be in 9 months?? :hihi: What will their names be?
That's my baby's namesake right there. ;)
Trying to find a pic of Moore's upside down two-point conversation...
Shockey sock it to ya!
Before the game the bobble heads were talking about what it takes to be considered an elite QB. They seemed pretty evenly divided on whether or...
I love it too!!
No Saints gear here for infants so I had to improvise...
I did my part and voted for Reggie Wayne. Damn those Falcons fans. :mad:
Sorry to burst your bubble but I will be fully clothed in black and gold. The cowboy hat brought us luck the last few times I wore it in the dome...
At the grocery store here...
Excuses, excuses. I say we get the Cowboy fans on TF to serve us on Sunday... :thumb:
Still waiting...
I vote Tirk to break in the pole... We'll be at a friends watching the game with other Who Dats. I'm wearing my black and gold cowboy hat...
Usually fried but I've also had some great blackened alligator at Chimes. Alligator sauce piquante is on the menu ever year during our...
Cane's to win me some Super Bowl tickets.
Nice Dress Buddy D!
It's soooo on! YouTube - Peyton Manning and Reggie Bush NBC Promo
We're heading to our friends house to watch the game and I've brought these every year. I don't think I would be allowed in if I didn't make...