Depends on the severity. It could be a hairline fracture. I'm not saying he could make it back, but those guys are in excellent condition and...
Okay, Jefferson seemed to be getting in a groove there in the second quarter. The INT was a bad choice, but it wasn't harmful. Peterson is...
But one that bothers me. He should know better.
Okay...Jefferson CAN throw the long ball after all! GEAUX TIGERS! And I just told my son, "Lets see if Jefferson can throw the long ball..."
GEAUX TIGERS! Nice return by Peterson! We may struggle, but we certainly have the most talent on that field tonight!
Nice. Showing a little intelligence there!
Alright, I'll give respect. That was a pretty nice throw by Jefferson. But, they need to get him more throws like that so he can build confidence.
They don't have much choice, do they? You want Lee?
ESPN seems to have a problem showing replays tonight. They haven't shown many. I guess they think everyone has a DVR these days.
Well, I'm certainly not cocky enough to call myself a "mastermind". Tell me, so great guru, what makes you think our QB is good enough to do the...
I'll type slower. Have you noticed that Miles/Crowton don't let Jefferson throw much down the field? Well, it's because he can't throw...
We don't have a QB who can throw accurately down there. Miles ran off Garrett.
Well, stopping them for a FG is a success after that lousy drive.
What did I tell you? They are confident now. They know their QB is better than ours.
Well, I'll take the pay for a season.
It may be early, but the offense hasn't shown that they can move the ball and now our defense is making mistakes. I'm telling you, we better get...
Yes, but we've squandered two, three chances to score. And UNC is starting to pick up some confidence. Plus, we haven't seen much confidence...
UNC has found a way to defeat our defensive speed. Short slants.
Too many mistakes...LSU is letting UNC hang around too long...
Looks like it will be up to the defense again this year. Offense already looks sluggish.