the Refs want to get the OU game over...that WASN'T a TD...
We blocked the FB attempt?
C'mon ESPN...WHO CARES about Oklahoma vs Cinn???
Wow...TWO straight personal foul penalties???
Hey, if Jefferson throws for more than 97 yards this week, will Miles still say he's improving? (Sorry, just trying to pass the time while I...
What are you talking about? I can't see the game right now.
Why is ESPN so far behind on schedule tonight?
Okay...Sooners just got the icing TD...let's get to LSU...
He'll probably want to transfer. All that talent and I'm sure Crowton will whine about having too much talent and not being able to get them all...
It sure made me think of that loss to Tennessee in '05...
is that sarcasm? 410 passing yards allowed??? Yeah, we stopped their third-string RB, but we couldn't stop their QB who even UNC didn't think...
Okay, everyone who was mad at me...let's hear how wonderful you thought that game was? There were mistakes in almost every aspect of the game....
Evidently, Miles doesn't like him. How do you not get him in the game?
How can we sugarcoat what we've seen in this second half tonight? I love LSU and I want them to win and win big. But, there is a problem. How...'s not over YET. Another turnover by LSU.
Okay, so that people will not be mad at me: What a beautiful win by LSU! We really put it to UNC! Jefferson was simply flawless and that...
Um...don't speak too soon. If they get this on-side kick, we might not win. The D has been porous.
Well...we've done this to ourselves.
Wow...LSU's lead is cut to 30-24. We had all the momentum and excitement in the first half. What did Miles do at halftime, hand out valium?
Show me the quote Mastermind. You can't tell me I'm contradicting myself if you can't show me the quote where I "rooted" for him to "do bad". By...