Stupid Miles...starting Jefferson just to prove his point.
I TOTALLY agree...Lee deserved to be there.
So what else is new?
Well, I wonder who Miles will blame this week?
The play calling late in this game for LSU has been pathetic. They've resorted back to using Jefferson in obvious plays. They tried to get him...
Here we go...wasting timeouts again...
What the heck were they thinking on that two point conversion? That was a lousy play call...
If he's interested, we're interested.
I agree. We're turning into the laughing stock of NCAA football. Even the CBS announcers practically called us the worst 5-0 team they've ever...
WHY DID MILES/CROWTON CHANGE QB'S???? YOU WANT PROOF THE COACHING IS THE PROBLEM...THERE IT IS. up the middle...THEN let more than ten seconds expire prior to calling a timeout. Shades of Ole Miss '09...
Miles should have fired Crowton last year. Now, they'll be a package deal.
The defense just said, "Okay offense...we did our part. NOW GO OUT THERE AND DO SOMETHING RIGHT!"
Well, other teams know that's the best things we have, so they can just tee off on it.
The defense is frustrated. They're tired of carrying this team.
Chris Garrett has to be belly laughing at us right now.
Short pony.
stick a fork in LSU...we're done. And you can guarantee we'll have three to four more losses this season.
Why? The can just burn clock now.
Because Lee had a great pass, so they thought they'd ride that pony into the ground.