This analysis was available before the election but people are too lazy to look at it. They took Trump at his word. So now we'll have very...
I can't dispute anything you said regarding hillary. She was an awful person and candidate. The reason I brought up Bill Clinton's presidency is...
Yep, Alleva screwed the pooch last year.
First, I wasn't saying it. I was saying our option was to not talk to him because we think he wants that job. But second, most guys want the...
That's the best case scenario. He may just be straight up playing us.
Basically like I've said all along. Here's an interesting question when thinking about Jimbo. When was the last time a college head coach at a...
Tilman Fertita said it wouldn't be about money and there's a casino down the road from me that leads me to believe he's telling the truth. The...
In case you didn't know, I've been on the record for months about how bad a candidate HRC is so I'm not a fan. My problem is that I don't believe...
That worked out really well for Huizenga didn't it? It's not LSU's money. It's the boosters money, and they're businessmen. Alleva doesn't...
Good assessment, I bet you're a dynamite negotiator.
Ah, the biggest con of all. Trump convincing you that he can't be bought.
No melt, just a fact. I've already said that in the short term, for me personally, Trump is much better for my business and life. It's just...
So we have three options. 1. Don't start a coaching search 2. Don't talk to Tom Herman because he covets the Texas Job 3. Talk to a select few...
Coincidentally, he always predicts what he most wants.
Two people have to sign a contract.
Why did the Texas site break the news? Think about it.
Exactly! We need to root for UT Saturday because this is all being done to warn UT that Herman is serious about taking our job.
It's because he's a con. He says whatever he thinks people want to hear.
Exactly! And getting Herman is even more laughable. He's not coming here. I think the next tier of guys is Fuente, Fedora, and I guess Fleck...