Do me a favor and read this...
Ahh, the old "Temps didn't go up for a few years so there's no problem defense. Look at trend lines and learn about statistics. Stop reading sites...
I said the cost of renewable sources get cheaper every year. They're not cheaper than traditional energy.
Everything you described in the past happened over thousands of years. This time it's happening over decades.
Don't be an idiot, no one knows a dollar amount. What's important is that the cost goes down every year as renewable energies become cheaper.
Totally untrue but what is true is we'll continue to lose coastlines, marine life, and other effects that will dramatically effect eco systems.
Less and less every day. Alternate energy sources are constantly getting cheaper.
I've never heard women called minorities but go ahead and believe white males have it worst, or are minorities, whatever it is you're saying.
I hope you or I are never "suspected of terrorism". That's a very broad term. We're not talking about guys who were captured in Isis training...
Co2 levels rise and fall naturally over thousands of years. Climate and weather patterns change during these times. However, the rate at which co2...
God help us. Who's next, clay higgins? You don't have a problem with this?
If you don't believe in humans affecting climate change, then by definition you deny it. Take it up with Merriam Webster. And I responded to you...
Just confused
I will call you names? Dude you just called me three or four names in one post. The reason people don't debate you is that you are all over the...
Climatedepot is run by Marc Morano who has been in politics most of his life and has no education in climate science.
The tax article? It's an article about his proposed policy. It's very relevant.
If I was an lsu dude in a frat, I wouldn't want kiffin to come here. But I'm not so as much as I dislike the guy, he's a great coach. I hope we...
1/2 in November ain't bad, right?