It's stunning that as a nation we've elected someone who we all freely admit we have no idea what he'll do.
If you set up a table at a gun show, you are a dealer. If you sell a gun on ebay that you no longer want you aren't. How is a guy selling 12 guns...
Okay, what's wrong with that?
So fbi, Cia and NSA are wrong? Come on, you're smarter than that.
This is wishful thinking. You're hoping these things about trump but they're unlikely.
Yes, and it was discussed months ago.
Funny, now the CIA and FBI are wrong about things they say happened. You should stop lying, because NC is spitting the truth.
Spot on. I swear it's like we're in animal farm.
Kushners definitely the bright spot in that family.
I guess it's more aptly named the dealer Loophole or whatever. Many dealers take the position that they're hobbyists and don't have to do...
Good god, it wouldn't matter how much I ate when I was 18, I couldn't gain a pound.
Which ones? I'm not that familiar with them. I'm just not against the executive order against the gunshow loophole and stuff like that. What...
nah, Ginsburg was way out of line when she attacked trump. I've never seen a justice do that before.
Contrary to what the NRA says, there's very little support for "taking the guns" only the fringe left.
I agree, but he'll walk. As I understand, Louisiana does have a stand your ground law. Ballistics will probably make or break the case.
I think he should be in jail but with the stand your ground laws, if Mcknight was leaning in the car, he'll walk. What facts make him guilty in...
Yes, kinda surprising with our laws. Wonder if it goes to trial.
I agree. These stories of people committing crimes and screaming "go trump" or "make America great again" are 99% bullshit.
Wow, that's underwhelming