Last one. Climate depot has no data. Their proof is when forward looking models are off even a little bit, they jump on it and say it's proof...
Why? Are you an FSU fan?
Yeah, I'm done. That makes two on this forum I've stopped feeding. Unfortunately a lot of times it's the one who screams the loudest that people...
Okay so NASA is part of grand deception but Climate Depot is a legit source? Now you're just trolling? CFACT has an advisory board with dozens...
My mistake on you saying the earth was flat. I misread that. So carbonic acid in our oceans is not an issue? That's your contention?
Oh one of us is definitely embarassing himself.
Here's one more. look at the trends. no one has said it's a singular correlation with no other factors. CO2 is not the only reason for...
There are many reasons why. The sun was actually dimmer millions of years ago amongst other things. Also, no one has claimed that plants will...
So your answer is that you don't believe in scientific methods for measuring co2 yet you use co2 levels in the jurassic period to justify the fact...
What do CO2 and H2O combine to make and what effect does that have on our oceans? You may want to look that up? There was five times the co2...
What? That's not how organic chemistry works. CO2 is not finite in any practical or real life way. Do you even understand how CO2 is created?...
You can't possibly study climate change because even your arguments against it make no sense. I'm not sure why I bother with someone as closed...
So you can't name anything. Got it.
Several things. First, what he has outlined thus far will raise costs. Maybe not raise your premium, but costs as a whole based off of what he's...
Because she was an awful candidate. These things are not mutually exclusive.
It's readily available. http://www.tradingeconomics.com/united-states/unemployment-rate
Worse off than 8 years ago? Not even close I agree on foreign policy as I said originally. Obamacare isn't really bad, Healthcare in our country...
What warnings? Obama was weak on foreign policy. Obamacare was terrible for me but helped a lot of people. However, he pulled us out of great...