Stop right there. No really. You should just stop. If you think so. Caused a fumble. Guess you were screaming at the tv to loudly to hear. No...
That's funny. I was little bitty then. Went to plenty of games before that, but that one is my first real memory.
What is wrong with the statement is he has repeatedly stated that it can't be done. Now he wants to marginalize it to if it doesn't improve. He is...
Thanks for agreeing. Don't know about your sun predictions, but as far as this team not being able to win, yep, you were balls-on full of sh!t....
Which you have bleated for months cannot happen under Crowton. So you are full of sh!t after all. Funny how all the guys screaming about how...
Fun, clean and cool. In Little Rock. I got nothing.
That would be really cool. When is that guy showing up? :D
My wife says I have to be nice to a stranger once/day. That was it.
Therefore our wins are more impressive. They are still better then anyone you have played. Disputing this just makes you look like a homer. Well,...
The mood is up because this team looks better, in spite of 9 solid months of derision. Have the perpetual Miles bashers changed their minds?...
When the fans run out of whiskey due to the late start and begin pelting WVU players with empty flasks. It could cause that fumble we were all...
No he didn't. He re-tweeted this: Where does it say he threw 6 TDs on Peterson? I doubt your QB is dumb enough to say that before a game in...
Did you forget your zip code? This is not a WVU board. You posted that your QB "schooled" Peterson in high school(am I really discussing a high...
No, it was a sarcastic question. Few LSU fans like seeing the option. We don't run it well, but Crowton insists on running it anyway.
I watched him too. This is true. "Cannon" is not a word associated with him. He did make a lot of good throws in high school, but I am fairly...
I had a gumbo with tomatoes offered to me once, but I politely turned it down. Don't think I have seen another one. Always a lot of variance in...
The point of his article, any article is to stir up the masses. Usually he does it by insulting the team or the coach when the fanbase seems to be...
I am more interested in the team you have this year. Any place hosting a replay of one of this year's games?
Well there ya go. I plum forgot all about that. :hihi:
Truly. Be more upset about a team we don't play. It's a bit early to sweat the polls.