My Paw Paw was a cadet at LSU in the '30s. He used to tell stories about how they would distribute small wooden clubs to each cadet on the train...
See that's the problem-you give 'em a TASTE before with the big payoff after. That's where Arky screwed up.
Even if Obama signs it, would it not need ratification? How likely would that be?
Theodore Roosevelt 1906: Largely for drafting the peace treaty between Russia and Japan. So they did give it to a strong, courageous Republican...
So you don't think they should have given it to someone who actually DID something to make it a better world?
Obviously the Nobel. At least with the Heisman you have to have some sort of measurable statistics to back up your nomination. Apparently with...
I guess this shows that the Nobel prize is nothing more than a glorified beauty contest, but I was really hoping that someone would at least offer...
Obama awarded 2009 Nobel Peace Prize - Ok first of all, I can't believe that this wasn't on here yet. Second, can anybody justify...
I agree that it can matter how you win, but the bottom line is that if you are the SEC Champ with one loss or less you will be playing in the...
So NFL network gave a free preview of the "Red Zone" channel, and my first reaction is to think how this proves what an ADD society we've become....
I would LOVE to see Sharper fly across the field on a deep "go" pattern to T.O. and just light him up!
I didn't think ownership could be worse than when McMullen owned them. Guess we need a non-Scottish dude to step up and make the purchase. Those...
Re: Official LSU v. Moo U Game Thread; 11:21 am; SECNet No sweat, that's channel 21-habla ingles. Just glad to see one of these games is...
Someone wake me when McLane sells the team.
Other than that one kick return given up, I thought the special teams were pretty solid yesterday. It may be time to look to a different punt...
For that matter, Georgia did it too. 3 snaps over the punter's head for safeties in 3 games being played at the same time. Weird.
All other questionable things in this game I feel can be worked out. However, I am deeply concerned about the ability of our new punter. I...
Re: Ponchos When I was growing up in Morganza (as 1 of 7 kids), going out to eat meant one of two things-driving to Opelousas for Pizza Hut or...
Personally, I don't think our biggest fear is armed conflict with NK. Yes, they are nuts, but not THAT nuts. The thing that worries me more is...
Saw both Doubt and Frost/Nixon this weekend. Doubt was excellent, but Frost/Nixon I would put with one of the best I've ever seen. It may not...