Personally I think this is a problem on many levels: parents, students, teachers, school districts, state education boards. There is no one...
All I know is that Thursday I'll be collecting $8000 from Chesapeake Energy for my gas lease. :grin: Thank you Barnett Shale!
I picked up a copy of The Gangs of New York a few weeks ago in the airport in Buffalo. It's a non-fiction, orginally published in the '20s, but...
I just got back from the game tonight. Being away from Baton Rouge and SEC country for so long, it was my first b-ball game in person since Shaq....
I am completely stunned. Many of my friends who are fans of other teams may think "Cool, the Saints won the Super Bowl", but believe me, as...
[IMG] Soylent Green is PEOPLE!!!!!!
I think there's something wrong with all kickers in the league this year. I don't remember ever seeing this many missed 35-45 yard kicks ever....
Re: PLAYOFFS-Saints Vs Cardinals True-and another thing of note. When a defender grabs him, preventing him from throwing with his right arm,...
Re: PLAYOFFS-Saints Vs Cardinals I actually think this is the best match up possible (except had the Eagles won). I was surprised at how bad...
Re: PLAYOFFS-Saints Vs Cardinals It'll be a tricky game for Gregg Williams. Much like Brees, Warner gets rid of the ball very quickly, so...
Gary Patterson should be the next non-BCS coach to move up. Frogs 28 Horsies 17
Well, Carolina 26, Minn 7. Last night's game don't mean a thing.
I'd reserve judgment until we see who all comes back from injuries. The Saints played like they did at the beginning of the year for a...
Go [IMG]
39 and cloudy in Burleson this morning. Unfortunately tomorrow I'm on a plane for Milwaukee, right into the teeth of the blizzard. With any...
Payton would be first, I believe. And with a victory over the Falcons this week, the Saints set the franchise regular-season wins mark (13).
I wonder if the Big 12 is regretting the decision to bow down to Ann Richards and include Baylor over TCU back in 1994. :lol: On the other hand,...
This man is not subject to the US constitution, he is subject to the UCMJ. If he is tried in civil court, it would only be by direction of the...
I'm curious about the RB situation. Do you think Ridley will start, Williams, Shepard or Holiday? Will it be a heavy mix of all four, or will...
I don't know about future games, but one thing I was thinking last night watching BSU and La Tech.-Everyone (media) will probably say of BSU's...